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Writer's pictureFrancesca Fini

A Dream In Stone collection is live on Sedition Art Platform!

Francesca Fini: "In this digital art collection, you’ll be visiting an alien planet. In this planet all the dreams, all the paintings, all the statues, all the poems of humanity have been collected and stored by an alien intelligence, turning this planet into a sort of museum of humanity. We could be in a time where our planet is not there anymore, where humanity is not there anymore or even in a time before humanity, before our planet. And these relics, these dreams, these paintings, these statues, these artworks from humanity have been wondering in deep space for a long time. When this alien intelligence found them floating among stars, among planets, among galaxies, they collected them and they stored them into this planet: the museum of humanity."


Digital Castle Project Collection

By Francesca Fini

Produced during art residency at Rocca Sinibalda Castle Curated by Cristina Cenci and Enrico Pozzi


Sedition is delighted to release A Dream in Stone, Francesca Fini's stunning new project that turns the amazing Renaissance frescoes of the Medieval castle, the Rocca Sinibalda Castle near Rome, into a cutting-edge digital art collection.

This digital art collection created by Francesca Fini consists of 8 video works inspired by a dystopian theme: the Earth after the disappearance of humanity.

Rocca Sinibalda Castle stands out as an intact and silent survivor still there to witness what we were and to open a chasm towards a future. Perhaps. Muziano's frescoes become a relic, carefully guarded within the womb of futuristic, self-sufficient and self-powered devices, which continue to function unaware of the surrounding emptiness and the disappearance of their creators. DIGITAL EDITION TO NFT

Each work is in a very limited edition. Each edition, once traditionally purchased on the platform with paypal or credit card, can then be minted to the blockchain and transferred to the collector's cryptowallet. The collector can then relist the edition as NFT on the Opensea Sedition Art market.


The castle as an ark, with only fragments of past forms floating in the void: chaotic evidence of a disconnected past reality.

Shapeless but living fragments. Constantly absorbed in their search for new forms. Always unsuccessful and always in progress. They randomly assemble and disaggregate, producing nameless transitory entities and meaningless signs. To strive to last and somehow live, in search of previous identities nested in confused and unreliable memories. Transforming new identities for the dictionaries to come.


The proceeds from the sale of the works of the collection will contribute to the long-awaited restoration of the 1553 frescoes by Girolamo Muziano. A fraction of the proceeds will be used to remunerate the artist for his production residence at the Rocca Sinibalda Castle, which took place in July 2022.


Live and discover the experience for yourselves! Everyone who purchases the full collection will receive a night stay in the Castle in the historic heart of Italy alongside the Eternal City. An inspirational and not-to-be-forgotten experience! (The campaign is valid until 31st of October.)


Founded in 2011 by gallery owner Harry Blain, founder of Blain | Southern, and Robert L. Norton, former CEO of Saatchi Online, Sedition is a platform created to collect, exchange, share and exhibit digital art created by the most significant contemporary artists. A pioneer in the dissemination and marketing of digital arts, the platform relies on its own internal marketplace and has recently also opened up to the NFT world.

Its rich catalog presents a large and growing number of works, selected at the invitation of the curatorial board, produced by leading artists including Damien Hirst, Bill Viola, Jenny Holzer, Christian Boltanski, Ryoji Ikeda, Casey Reas, Aaron Koblin, Universal Everything, Ryoichi Kurokawa, Paolo Cirio, LIA, Quayola, Mark Amerika, Claudia Hart and many others.

In collaboration with Sedition Art and Artribune


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