My 3D virtual environment The Silent Gallery will be part of the edgy exhibition Creators of the Metaverse, curated by Metamundo and in Miami during Art Basel
The show is presented as an exhibition of the Top 50 selected metaverse artists launching on Hosted @ 640 Lincoln Rd in collaboration with
@ 640 Lincoln Rd, South Beach, just a 5 minute walk from Art Basel.
The exhibition hours are: Wednesday, Nov 30 to Friday Dec 2, 12 noon - 5pm each day
Come meet some of creators and MetaMundo team at the exhibition featuring exclusive 3D works by:
untitled, xyz, brianlife, Mutani, Oktopluz Studios, Drew Gilbert, kuba_hyperliving, Chafik Zerrouki, Francesca_Fini, csavenables, Scuube, Devi Loka, LucaBacilieri, Bl0ckstone, Thato, Ahmedpartey, Drew Gilbert, Archonomous, leomchesi, ARC, DFW, Spaces DAO, Jay Stansfield, jasir, NFA, Black Poser, James della Valle, Raffaella Ciani Architect, Azores Bim Studio, Fabeeo Breen, Decent Architecture, jenni_dl95, Nils Hansen
All of theses works will be available for auction on